Workout 12/02/16

03. December 2016 Blog 0
Workout 12/02/16
EmailFacebookGoogleTwitterLinkedinPinterestTumblrToday was a rough one. Especially after the 2 week layoff. Here it is: Standing Calf Raise — 75 reps total — 50lb bar Alternating Bench Press Variations — wide grip (65lbs) — close grip (50lbs) 2×12 for each 4×12 leg exercises — alternating Overhead lunges (25lb plate) Hip Thrusts (95lbs) Wide Stance Squats (25lbs ...

Hello World!

19. October 2016 Blog 1
Hello World!
EmailFacebookGoogleTwitterLinkedinPinterestTumblrThis is the first post of what I hope to be a continuous blog site for me to showcase my budding photography interests and other aspects of my frantic and silly life including Azzo, my Collie pup, who, for anyone who will be visiting this website, will most likely see many, many photos of. I ...